The Importance of Import Tax Planning
If you’re thinking about importing goods to Brazil, start with an import tax analysis. While your questions might seem straightforward, the answers are probably far more complex. It’s not as simple as “How much will I pay in tax?”
The taxes on imports are numerous, and they vary depending on a range of factors. Therefore, calculating the rates requires a case-by-case analysis. So, forget about a one-sentence response to your question. Instead, look to develop a comprehensive import tax plan.
Let’s start with the federal import tax, which is charged over foreign goods. The rates are listed in the table Tarifa Externa Comum (TEC) and vary according to the characteristics of the product and the country of origin. The tax is calculated based on the custom’s value of the product.
Then there’s a federal tax applied to manufactured products. The rate can be found in the table Tabela de Incidência do Imposto sobre Produtos Industrializados (TIPI) and varies depending on the product. The calculation is based on the custom’s value of the product plus the import tax amount.
Two other federal taxes apply to imports: PIS and COFINS. Both taxes relate to social security and are generally 1.65% and 7.6%, respectively. They are both charged over the custom’s value of the product.
And as if those weren’t enough, expect to pay taxes to the state or municipal governments as well. States charge ICMS, a tax on the distribution of goods, and municipalities charge ISS, a tax on services.
Confused? Exactly. That’s why it’s so important to do an import tax analysis and create a plan before you import products to Brazil.