How to Get a CPF

Almost everything in Brazil requires a CPF number. Buying a house in Brazil? You need a CPF. Starting a company in Brazil? You also need a CPF. Buying a SIM card in Brazil? You guessed it - you need a CPF.

So, how do you get a CPF?

A CPF, or Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas, is a tax ID number issued by the Brazilian Revenue Service. Everything you do in Brazil requires a CPF and foreigners, like Brazilians, are often required to have one. However, at the end of 2023, getting a CPF as a foreigner became more difficult.

If you’re in Brazil, you can get a CPF in person at an office of the Brazilian Revenue Service (Receita Federal). Certain notary offices (Cartório de Registro Civil de Pessoas Naturais), banks (Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal), and post office locations (Correios) offer the service as well, but they’re usually ill-equipped to help foreigners.

If you’re in the US, you can request a CPF online using the government’s e-Consular system. Select the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate that serves your jurisdiction and register with an e-mail address and password. Once logged in, you can complete the CPF request form, submit the required documents, and schedule your in-person appointment to get your CPF.

The process isn’t difficult and can be completed relatively quickly. However, if you’re in the US, you’ll need to schedule an appointment with the Brazilian Embassy or Consulate. So if you plan on doing business in Brazil, get a CPF today.

GeneralGreg Barnett