Get Your Import and Export License
Every company that imports or exports products must first get a license to use the Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior. SISCOMEX, as it’s popularly called, is the government’s electronic system for recording information related to companies engaged in foreign trade.
The license, often referred to as RADAR, is issued by the Brazilian Revenue Service (Receita Federal). There are three types of RADAR licenses: expressa, limitada, and ilimitada. Which type you get will depend on the company’s financial capacity.
Expressa is granted only to publicly traded companies and their wholly-owned subsidiaries as well as to certain entities owned in whole or in part by the government.
Limitada is granted to companies with an estimated financial capacity up to US$150,000. Companies with an estimated financial capacity of US$50,000 or less can import up to US$50,000 while companies with an estimated financial capacity between US$50,001 and US$150,000 can import up to US$150,000.
Ilimitada is granted to companies with an estimated financial capacity of more than US$150,000.
For companies wanting to export goods, the process is straightforward. There are no limitations as long as you have your RADAR.
A RADAR license can’t be idle for more than six months. Otherwise, it expires and your company will have to apply again.
If your Brazilian company is planning to import or export, getting a license should be at the top of your business plan.