Brazil Counsel

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Brazil’s Notary Confusion: Finding the “Right” Notary Office

We frequently mention notary offices (cartórios) in our articles, but finding the correct notary office can be a challenge. Different notary offices offer different services. So the following is a list of various types of notary offices and the services they provide.

Registro Civil de Pessoas Naturais

This is where births, marriages, and deaths are registered. Whenever you need a birth certificate or want to register a marriage celebrated abroad, this is where you’ll go. This type of notary office can also certify copies of documents as authentic, notarize documents, and issue public powers of attorney.

Registro de Títulos e Documentos

Remember all of the times we said that foreign documents used in Brazil must be notarized, apostilled, translated, and registered. Well, this is where you register those documents. This office confirms the authenticity of documents issued abroad and files them publicly for use in domestic transactions.

Registro de Imóveis

To get information about a specific property, or to update real estate records, this is your spot. Here’s where you’ll go if you need a certificate of ownership (matrícula), for example. Each registry has jurisdiction over a specific part of the city, so you must find the proper registry based on the property’s location.

Tabelionato de Notas

Most similar to an American notary, the Tabelião issues public powers of attorney, certifies copies of documents as authentic, and notarizes signatures. It’s also the place where you’ll go to sign a public deed (escritura) if you’re buying or selling a home.

Need information about notary fees? Click here to see pricing.